Saturday, September 30, 2006

Transition to a Just Society II

So I've been an explosion of ideas, and I've realized of course that there is A LOT to think about, and a lot to write. I have been trying to balance getting the ideas out on paper with keeping the ideas organized. But... There's a few pages so far that I might as well share. There are unfinished raw ideas. i've started an outline at the end, but it is of course no where near complete.

there are just notes. just brainstorming. just ideas. it may seem unrealistic or overly idealistic to remove corruption from society altogether, but i believe it's our only option for a truly just and fair society...

so without further adue, here it is:

transition to a just society

selfless government. mandate honesty and forthrightness in all public affairs. private affairs are not regulated.

know right and wrong. knowing yourself means, among other things, knowing your fear. you must know it to be able to ignore it. difference between fear, common sense, and concern...

total outlaw of corruption what is corruption? modern government is corruption as de facto law.

millitary shutdown?

voted upon by every world citizen--represented by a government or not. one person. one vote. those who could not vote or chose not to have complete immunity from whatever society to exist on their own, of their own free will. adequate land for all such people who wish to organize an anarchist society will be declare global cease fire. how many square miles is earth? (57,500,000 sq mi, 150,000,000 sq km) how many people? 6.5 billion. devide it equally. have your share to claim as your own. communities may pool contiguous land at will.

how to adjust for arable land and climate?

Teach children hydroponic farming and gardening.

Land is not owned by people. People share land. Land does not belong to anyone. What belongs to people is sovereignty, and the right to use land and have privacy and freedom must include fair use land access rights.

.0088 sq miles per person of land surface area. 1 sq mile = 25 acres. 25 acres * .0088 square miles = .22 acres per person. this is not really enough to be self sustaining on. we must account for urban populations. people who live in cities voluntarily give up their land to the community. all cities are declared sovereign states. cities have sliding scale of population density. maximum is 1000 sq feet per person living space. minimum is 400 sq feet per person. two bedroom apartment -- 800 thru 2000 sq feet.

how to deal with who gets bigger or smaller spaces? trade offs with convenience? larger spaces are in less desireable locations? how to divide/allot commercial/industrial space?

contained anarchist society. true neutral. land area = total anarchists * .22 acres. land must be resource rich. how do we deal with changes in population over time in relation to land allotment? anarchists get approximately the amount of land per person at the onset, and if they choose to perform a yearly census, land allotment will be adjusted. must have "neutral zone" for this to work.

this could lead to sects of people purposefully overpopulating in order to get more land for their own group. the only thing i can think of now as a defense against this is total population re-education. which is scary big brother like. transition will take a couple of generations, so rules will have to be flexible.

Education: Children must primarily be taught right from wrong, and how to recognize them in different situations. Secondly, they must be taught how to survive self-sufficiently. Knowledge of self. Knowledge of technology. Today..s children are taught this by teachers, parents, and religious figures. The problems with this currently are that not all adults know the difference between right and wrong, and the social conditioning system (mass media, subtleties in education, television, ..entertainment,.. corporate music marketing, etc) does a very good job of blurring the lines between right and wrong, and often encouraging wrong behavior. Especially hip-hop culture. So if children are taught right and wrong, and everything in society is focused on upholding honesty and forthrightness in public affairs, commerce, business, inter-state/international relations, etc., the conflicting messages they receive as far as what is right and what is wrong

no rules that infringe upon personal liberties may be passed on anything larger than a community- or city-wide level. a fascist community with a totalitarian leader is perfectly acceptable as long as participation is voluntary, and as long as the leader is honest and forthright. imperialism is NOT acceptable.

people can negotiate for land trades. immediate familes have the option of contiguous land. no regulations on land trades other than total land area (.0088 sq miles) per person. land with natural resources becomes public, pay-per-use "fair tax". pay tax only upon usage. tax goes 100% to support the operation in terms of infrastructure and employees.

in order to be just, participation must be voluntary and ALL rules must be easily understood. overregulation leads to corruption and innefficiency.

perception of need vs actual need

most of the perception of need of a complex society stems from lack of center. most people do not learn the ability to find their centers. this pursuit alone is not only fruitful but all that almost anyone could need to lead a happy and fulfilled life. that and food clothing and shelter, of course. those being the only neccessities of life. the persuit of self knowledge should be balanced 50/50 with self / society knowledge. x

people need to let go of the love of money. that is what jesus christ has failed to teach us. not that he hasn't tried...

the big picture view:

the lorax explains it well... to an extent. but of course it is a children's book. people need to have a complex society because our brains are complex. do we need a complex society, or do we just think we do? should we strive for complexity in our social organization? should we strive for rigidity? should we strive for profiteering on any level? should we strive for dishonesty? should we strive for corruption? should we tolerate it?? EVER??? no. we will not tolerate it. we outlaw corruption. punnishment for corruption is permanent exile. no pardon. one appeal. (exile to where? Isolation of .22 acres? Given means to procure food clothing shelter?) all people within the person's home and work community MUST vote to convict of corruption. when someone is accused of corruption--total commerce shutdown upon thorough and impartial investigation. the investigation also must be corruption free and so solve this... we must re-educate our children and our children's children. and theirs. and on and on for generations. but we could theoretically be the overwhelming majority opinion

the actual transition:

5 year total commerce shutdown banking system dismantled. fractional reserve banking banned. honest history and purpose of fractional reserve banking is written not only by the bankers. During this time, no one goes to

During this time, anyone 16 or older who wishes to be a citizen must participate in the ratification of a world constitution.

..mother.. status.

How to deal with the tyranny of the majority? (alexis de toqueville

Health care industry is also ..fair tax.. pay per use. Not a profit making system. No board of anything. Drugs must prove efficacy in in vivo tests on volunteers. Efficacy rates are public. Doctor provides patient with efficacy rates, known side effects, and recommendation. Patient has final say. In case of emergency doctors have discretion to do what they can.

Energy is not a profit making industry Food is not a profit making industry Clothing is not a profit making industry. Building shelter is not a profit making Industry. There is no such thing as a profit making industry. Leadership is co-operative. Leaders do not earn more money. They earn prestige. Social status. Workers are paid fair wage per amount of time on the job. For each day on the job, very small incremental pay increases are accrued

main problems:

fair distribution of land.

effecient organization and implementation without over-regulation.

re-education without being "big brother"...

Dealing with crime / criminals on the short term. There must be a system for those that cannot act honestly and with respect for the rights of others. Focus on rehabilitation.

Military. With essentially no ..state,.. what to do with current military personnel and arms? Without corruption, there is no need for war. Militia to uphold fairness, honesty, and forthrightness? The threat of force is not an effective method for encouraging peace and justice. I move to destroy all military equipment and technology, and all firearms which are designed for person-to-person use. Unsure as to what to do about groups of citizens that choose to form militias? This problem can largely be solved by re-education, but again.. have to be careful to leave the ..big brother.. aspects out of education.

Write an outline. Pose questions to public (some questions are interspersed throughout above text. they have not yet been

  1. Selfless Government
  2. Knowing the difference between right and wrong
  3. Eliminate corruption
    1. Let go of the love of money/material things
  4. Honesty and forthrightness are mandated in all areas of public life
  5. Equal division of arable land per person
    1. Urban vs rural
    2. Total earth land area divided by total earth population = 0.22 acres per person
    3. How to deal with groups of people that purposefully overpopulate to acquire more land? Zero population growth?
  1. Hydroponic farming
  2. There is no such thing as a profit-making industry
  3. Fair tax, pay-per-use
    1. Since there are no profit-making industries, all monies paid towards use of public services is accounted for in terms of employee salaries and actual expenses of operations. To eliminate corruption, all accounts are public, all money is accounted for.
  4. to start the transition, a 5 year total commerce shutdown
(can't seem to fix what's below... don't have the patience/time to right now)
10. Categories


ii. Energy

iii. Food

iv. Clothing

v. Shelter

vi. Education

vii. Law enforcement/courts

viii.Public administration (not government)

1. water, energy infrastructure, etc

2. most public administration is provided by local/community-based groups.

3. national governments as we know them are gutted, largely discarded

4. No rules that infringe upon personal liberties may be passed on anything larger than a community- or city-wide level.

ix. Transportation

x. Police/Military??

xi. Courts?

xii. Commerce/money

11. those who choose to live as anarchists

12. contribution to society vs compensation

Friday, September 29, 2006

Transition to a Just Society I

this is the first in an indefinitely long series of blog entries that will hold the title transition to a just society. it's also not going to have proper punctuation so get used to that too. no i am not a fan of ee cummings it's just faster to type this way....

and on we go then, typing quickly... because it's late and i should be asleep.

i've started doing some writing. (this is not what i started writing. you'll all get that at a later date...) not sure what medium or form it's going to take, but it's going to be called transition to a just society. i've decided that to make a positive contribution towards a just and free society (which i do not feel we live in almost anywhere on this planet) it is not going to be by huffing and puffing and playing with the bait left for me by the brilliant architects of our overly complex and corrupt society. they must certainly be credited with brilliance. the smartest cookies in the box, for sure... in any case, if what we want is justice, we must know the difference between good and evil. my friend micah (emcee of my band universal truth) told me tonite that he doesn't believe most people really and truly always know the difference between good and evil. i would go a step further and say that we have been taught not to really know the difference. oh, sure, we know it from jesus and moses and mohammed and buddah and confuscious and vishnu and even the lorax... but do we really know it as individuals, in our daily lives, all of the time, 100%? of course not. our society is very complex.

i would go one more step further and say that our society is very complex on purpose. it's important to realize that our world's rules and infrastructure have been organizaed by a minutely small percentage of the population. and i would go one step further than that and say that even a minority of the minority of people who own the vast majority of the money are corrupt. that's how they got the money. they were corrupt. not to say that they also weren't brilliant, intelligent, even kind and nice people at least outwardly. i will provide documentation to show what i find in my research even if it doesn't support my conclusions. in a complex society, this is a near impossible task, so i feel stating this intention before i undertake the task is important. i admit my own biases. i will try to identify them along the way. of course my opinion will come in to play, but i think there are some universal truths that we all must recognize and abide by... clearly and honestly defining these universal truths is vitally important in all areas of life. the founders of our religions gave us the answers but over thousands of years, those answer have been obfuscated by the modern institutions that now control our mainstream religions and the texts that we base them on. but certain concepts are universal trths, and people must simply learn the difference between right and wrong, strive to do what is right, and be accountable for your actions if you do what is wrong...

my initial "thesis statement" is that in order to transition to a just society, we must eliminate corruption. i will first analyze what corruption is. i will then offer my suggestions as to how to elimiate corruption; and thus, as we honor the US constitution and its first ten amendments, transitioning to a just and peaceful society is possible.

if anyone finds that i'm not being honest with myself or feels i am biased towards my onw preferences, please call me out and tell me where i'm wrong. tell me what you think is right, and why. eventually i do hope this will turn into a shared project (the transition to a just society), society cannot possibly be just if i am the only one thinking or writing about it... i will arrange all of my writing into some sort of reasonable and grammatical prose and then publish it all here. i welcome suggestions for editing and re-thinking.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

The Devil's in the Details

I want to bring up three issues where it seems at least on the surface that the will of the people has been served by our elected officials or the court system. The first two: the Dubai Ports deal being struck down and the NSA's Domestic Warrantless Wiretapping program being declared unconstitutional appear to be victories for the American public. However, if we keep our eyes on these issues over the course of time, an entirely different picture unfolds... I don't mean to suggest that there is nothing positive here, but only that we must widen our focus in terms of the amount of time we are willing to pay close attention to a particular issue. While our news cycles constantly morph from one issue into the next like an MTV video, there are people in power that would undermine the will of the people who have patience and aren't afraid to wait it out until the news media is bored with the issue.

IN the late winter of 2006, the hot issue was the sale of port management businesses in six major U.S. seaports to a company based in Dubai, and whether such a sale would compromise port security. The proposed sale was widely opposed by both sides of the mainstream American political machine. More importantly, it was opposed by most of the American people... It would seem that this time justice was served, as the US House Committee voted to block the deal and it was modified so that a company from the UAE--which is known to have allowed the harboring and funding of terrorism related to the 9-11 attacks--was not allowed to purchase American ports. Most Americans know this, and they would probably cite it as an example of our government representing the will of the people.

What the American people said, loud and clear, was that we don't support unchecked globalization. We have some national pride and we'd like to keep our country in some state of relative sovereignty and security. We were led to believe that our government understood that message and had acted on it... This could hardly be further from the truth.

What most Americans don't know, is that the same government that voted to block the sale of American ports to a nation that harbors terrorism is working on the Middle East Free Trade Area Initiative and has already passed a multitude of NAFTA-style free trade agreements with many other Middle Eastern nations--including the UAE. Not to be a protectionist... But does it really make sense to open up our ports, not necessarily to be managed by, but to be used openly by nations that have a documented history of funding and supporting the very terrorism that our government claims to be fighting?

This is where the hidden agenda of the round-table groups that really run the USA (the inner circle of the Council on Foreign Relations, the WTO, IMF, and World Bank, the Fabian Society, etc.) clash very obviously with the publicly perceived foreign policy agenda of the USA that is sold to us by the mass media. On one hand, we are told incessantly that we must fight terrorists abroad so we don't have to fight them at home. But then our ports are opened in trade to nations that fund and support this terrorism. What do you think might end up coming through these ports that are now freely accessible to companies with a history of funding terrorism? We must fight terrorism... But not where it is actually being funded, we must fight it in Iraq, where it didn't even really exist until we got there and starting bombing the crap out of them. Where it's actually being funded we must sign free trade agreements and open these nations up to further participate in a free and open global marketplace. Seems kinda backwards to me...

And what is the mass media telling us? Has any of you heard thing one about the US-Oman Free Trade Agreement? The US-Bahrain Free Trade Agreement? The US-UAE Free Trade Agreement? No, of course not. It's already been established that the people of the US would not support such things, so exposing the fact that they are happening anyway in the mass media is just not part of the plan. Doesn't it make you mad that you have to rely on muckracking yellow journalists like me to hear about this stuff? Well, now that you know about the Middle East Free Trade Area Initiative, I suggest you contact your congresspeople and demand to know what the hell they are doing selling out American sovereignty. If they claim they don't know what you're talking about, you can give them the link above. And while you've got them on the ropes, as them about the upcoming North American Union, and how they could possibly think that the average American would want something like that to happen...

And when you hang up the phone with your elected officials in the House of Representatives, call your Senators and demand that they firmly oppose Senate bill S. 2453, which would enshrine in federal law the presidents claim of inherent, exclusive power to wiretap Americans at will without a warrant or any independent check and also S. 2455, which also would make judicial review of each individual wiretap optional, destroying our fundamental Fourth Amendment rights. Didn't they get the memo that a Federal Judge has declared this unconstitutional?

I mentioned three issues in my introduction... So what's the third? Let's go back to 1913 and the passage of the Federal Reserve Act. At the time, the public was staunchly opposed to a central banking system. The hot button issue of the day was "breaking up the money trust." The Federal Reserve Act was sold to the people as being the legislation that would take the power over our money system from the private banks and give it to the people vis-a-vis the Federal Government. In reality, the bill was written by the world's most powerful bankers and sold to congress by a relative of the Rockefeller family, Congressman Nelson W. Aldrich. As it was first passed, it did exactly what the people were told it would do. But over the years, the Federal Reserve Act has been amended hundreds of times... And what is does today is creates a cartel between the government and the central bank owned by private interests and gives this cartel complete control over the nation's money supply.

The original text of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 was called the Aldrich Bill, and was trounced seriously by the Senate, who realized it was creating a central bank--exactly what the people had made clear that they did not want in America. To explain how this situation was resolved, I turn to a passage from a speech given by G Edward Griffin (source). the insistence of Paul Warburg who was forever the master strategist, they added several very sound provisions to the Federal Reserve Bill. By that I mean they added some provisions which seriously restricted the ability of the Federal Reserve to create money out of nothing. Warburg's associates said, "Paul, what are you doing? We don't want those in there this is our bill." And his response was this, he said, "Relax fellas, don't you get it? Our object is to get the bill passed. We can fix it up later." Those were his exact words. "We can fix it up later." He was so right. It was because of those provisions that they won over the support of William Jennings Bryan the head of the Populist Movement, the last hold-out against the bill. Bryan was concerned that this would be an instrument for ruining the nation's money supply but when he saw those provisions he said, "Oh well, those are good provisions, I guess I can support the bill now" never dreaming that this was temporary. Everything is temporary in politics. When people go to sleep things can get changed.

How many more direct contradictions between what we're told is going on in our best interests and what is really going on in the best interests of moneyed incorporations need to be made apparent before people start doing something about it? I'm not talking marching in the streets. I'm not talking revolution. I'm talking about a phone call or even a simple e-mail to your own elected officials. Go to and and find your local representatives. Call them. Send an e-mail. Tell them that Americans do not wish to sacrifice our national sovereignty to the globalist capital elites (maybe not in so many words). You now have two specific non-partisan issues that you can raise with your elected officials. This will let them know that someone other than me realizes that the devil is in the details, and they are going to have to STOP dismantling our Constitutional Republic. We the people can make a difference... But we must act now, and we must act together.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

My Technorati Profile

Sounds like a race of benevolent cyborgs. But it's actually the recognized authority on what's going on in the world of weblogs.

My Technorati Profile

Friday, September 01, 2006

Remember what peace really means?

They would have us believe that the only way to find peace is to kill all those who don't support our imperialism.

That is not peace. It's world domination...

And we vote these people (Democrats and Republicans) into office each and every year... Truly sad...