Wednesday, April 18, 2007


I've gone about as far down this rabbit hole as I care to go. Basically what I found was meaninglessness and despair. When meaninglessness makes sense, it's time to unplug. Time to appreciate the small things in life. To take joy in friends, family, music, creativity, expression, love, coffee, going for walks, having food to eat, traveling, a good sleep, cooking, living next to the water, etc.

It is at this juncture that I draw the line between taking responsibility for those things that I can change and accepting those things that I cannot change, and also where I exercise the wisdom to recognize the difference between the two and not let those things that I cannot change draw me and those around me into a sense of meaninglessness and despair.

Friday, April 06, 2007

9-11 Truth: is it really Truth or is it "truth"?

It is more important now than it ever has been to be able to recognize the difference between Truth and "truth." There is more disinformation spewed forth by the mass-media/CIA propaganda machine on 9-11 than conceivable. And the Internet (except my blog, of course) is the main pathway for this disinformation. The vast majority of what's out there has been planted and even honest and good researchers can't always tell the difference.

Case in point: Who Killed John O'Neill. A great movie in my opinion. Very well researched. Gripping. But unfortunately, it contains some major disinformation re: Mohammed Atta. Amanda Keller claimed that she was a stripper and she was dating him and he was a coke-head and a major partier. WKJO ran with this info. Then a couple of years later, Amanda Keller says she made the whole thing up, she was dating some "other Mohammed," and then she gets married, changes her name, and disappears forever... If you watch the original interview between her and Daniel Hopsicker--it should have been obvious all along that is it faked. Staged. Phony. She didn't make it up--she was reading a godamned script.

SO MUCH of 9-11 "truth" information falls under this category... Yes, we are reaching a tipping point where the floodgates will open and 9-11 "truth" will enter the mainstream--but we still must fight to be sure that it tips in the direction of TRUTH, instead of "truth."

As the Orwellian police-state continues to develop, our best chance at resistance is to study the art of psyops and disinformation and thusly disarm their only weapon... In order to get you started, I highly recommend this podcast on the topic of 9-11 truth disinfo. The Art of 9-11 Disinfo: This is Fintan Dunne of on the Jim Fetzer show.