Tuesday, October 25, 2005

What fish? What pond?

As a musician, I've been a big fish in a small pond before. And I've been a small fish in a big pond as well. But as a "blogger," I don't even know if there is a pond anymore... If there is one, we're all fishing in it simultaneously, and there's infinite fish.

Peter Savich responded to my recent blog post and my new myspace group. Aside from the many ways that this made me reflect upon myself as being cool and somewhat important, it also reminded me that the Internet is the way-coolest thing ever. I found his blog through chance at a mostly un-related site. He found my blog by looking at his web site's traffic log. Now he's talking about my blog on his and I'm talking about his blog on mine. We don't even know each other... Without the internet, we would have virtually no chance of ever realizing that we have simmilar ideas or linking those ideas together and learning from each other (well, I've learned from him at least) to form new and better ideas.


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